Years 11&12

Bothwell District High School offers Year 11 and 12 learning opportunities. Face to face courses offered are determined as part of our Year 10 transition process and based on student need. In addition to face to face courses, students can engage with a variety of courses offered through VLT@ Tasmanian eSchool. Bothwell is also a member of the Derwent Collective partnership. This partnership actively works to facilitate shared enrolments across the Collective. This gives students access to a broader range of subject areas while still maintaining their connection to their community. 


Post Year 10 Pathways

Michael's Story:
Completing Years 11&12 at Bothwell DHS

Katelyn's Story:
Enrolment at Claremont College

Brock's Story:
School-based apprenticeship
Michael is in Year 11 and he is completing his pathway of studies at Bothwell this year through a combination of Virtual Learning (VLT) and course work supported by Ms Griggs. Michael’s classes include:
- General Maths 2
- Digital Technologies 2
- Biology 2
- English Inquiry 2
Michael is supported to learn in our Year 11&12 Building and has the opportunity to stay closely connected with his year 10 friends as well as to participate in school and community events, where his timetable allows for it.
Remaining at Bothwell has meant one less transition point for Michael and has cut out travel time.
Katelyn is in Year 11 and is completing her pathway of studies at Claremont College. Teachers describe her as a vibrant and enthusiastic student and a pleasure to work with. Katelyn's classes include:
- Essential Mathematics 2
- English Studio 2
- Cert 2 in Animal Care (two-line course)
Katelyn has a firm plan to move into Zoology at UTas when she finishes year 12, to follow her passion of working with animals.
Going to Claremont College has enabled Katelyn to expand her friendship group and to learn with other like-minded individuals.
After a work placement in Year 10, Brock completed a School Based Apprenticeship. He chose this pathway with his interest in being a carpenter/ builder through the Housing Industry.
"The benefits of a school-based apprenticeship was that I was able to receive an education and on the job training at the same time, while being paid for it. It helped me apply what I had learnt in the classroom and take it into the workplace and prepare me for future employment.
Completing an ASBA has led Brock to gaining full time employment. 

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